Quantum Growth
Check out reviews from clients and experts in the field of personal and professional development. When you are looking for coaching then demand working with the best you deserve it.

"I regard Steve Crabb as one of the top coaches in the world, if you get the chance to work or train with Steve grab it with both hands"
Paul McKenna - Best selling self help guru & hypnotist

“I highly recommend Stephen Crabb. He is continually updating his training with the most up-to-date skills I have developed and is licensed internationally through the Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming."
Dr. Richard Bandler - Co creator of NLP

“Steve has been supporting me on our trainings for over seven years now, and has gone from strength to strength as both trainer and coach.He is one of a very small number of people I know who I would recommend to anyone, regardless of the depth, longevity, or complexity of the problem they were working on solving.”
Michael Neill - Best selling Hay House author & 3 principles coach & trainer.

“Steve is a warm, enigmatic trainer, he is constantly listening, observing and seeking ways to enhance his skills. By sharing his skills he has helped to shape and mentor many talented people, his commitment to lifelong learning is admirable and demonstrates that he is worthy of the title of Master Trainer.
John LaValle - President of the Society of NLP - author of Persuasion Engineering

Simon Edwards - Expert Property Care Ltd

Spencer West - Director of West Dry Lining & Facades Ltd

"I first met Steve at an NLP Business Practitioner he was training in London, when I saw he was recommended by Richard Bandler and Paul McKenna I knew I wanted to train with the best and my expectations weren't just met but were exceeded.
Over the 7 days I not only learnt lots about how I think and behave but also from the customer and staff perspective. He not only taught NLP but shared his extensive business experience and knowledge and made all the training relevant to the workplace. It has been invaluable over the past few years in both my personal and professional life.
After then doing some one-to-one coaching with Steve I knew that what he had to offer would help us to expand our business and take it to the next level, so I hired Steve as a consultant to work with my co-directors and the team. Since working with us we have had virtually month on month increased sales, the company now has more solid foundations for growth and expansion, the staff are more empowered and better equipped to deal with stress; and communication at all levels is better then ever. The real value of the change to the business is incalculable.
I thoroughly recommend training and coaching with Steve. If you are struggling he will assist you to get grounded, if you think you are doing great he will show you how you are playing small (and show you how to change it) and he will help you to find your strengths and skills to be amazing".
Chris McLellan - Director of RAM Tracking

Ramon Estrada - Scale Up Strategist

“I’ve been wanting to meet and work with Steve for a long time after hearing about how effective his coaching techniques are for many years from a close friend. A program with Steve, that mixed techniques of coaching, NLP and hypnosis, was nothing short of transformative. I was amazed at the effect. My behavior began to change in the desired ways in the days that followed. And not only did the impact not wear-off, but it keeps increasing, and I feel that acting in ways that are bold and authentic is becoming the new standard. “
Maya Elhalal-Levavi - President EO (Entrepreneurs Organization) Israel, Founder and Curator ESH.Medi

"I’ve worked with Steve for over a year in and I know his credentials speak for themselves, but I have to add that for me, he easily holds a spot in the top 1% of trainers and coaches on this planet. Hiring Steve to work with you on any part of your life or business will get you well beyond any results you are now imagining and into brand new territory … where anything becomes possible. His training style is impeccable, engaging, and top-drawer. His coaching goes straight to the heart of the matter. He also happens to be one of the kindest people I’ve ever met – while remaining one of the sharpest. You are very lucky indeed if you count Steve in your professional circle."
Elese Coit - Broadcaster & Author

“‘Working with Steve was a thought provoking, enlightening and very enjoyable journey, by the end of which he had shown me how to dispense with negative past issues and what I needed to do to finally move on. Steve showed me how to clear my thinking and go back out there and achieve the ambitions I once had but lost somewhere along the way. In the same way Steve instils confidence in his clients, he can confidently assert that he’s at the top of his game. ‘”
Vincent Donnelly, Commercial Development Director - Santon Group

“What can I say about coaching with Steve Crabb? He is witty, challenging, insightful. He is so skilled at getting results at multiple levels by enabling clients to be who they want to be and go where they want to go, that he should come with an enlightenment warning. Steve has been my Uber coach for 12 months during a challenging time for me personally and professionally. He’s enabled me to really focus on my business, my health and my inner spirit through gentle loving kindness, amazing insight, extraordinary skill and the power of just being. His deep experience as a master of a huge neuro-changing skills set is second to none that I have met (and I have met many). As a successful entrepreneur he just knows how business works at multiple levels. For me as a coach and facilitator, this has been exceptionally helpful. I’ve reduced the range of what I deliver in my business/life generally and let go of things that no longer serve me well. Steve doesn’t just hold up a mirror and shine a torch over my shoulder. He uses the torch to break the mirror and create a new one.”
Marie Taylor - Author, Coach & Trainer